Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gotta Love Linux

This project has made me learn and re-learn some of the Linux admin roles. I just spent 4 hours working on the phpMyAdmin install, then figured I could have done it in one command.  I go back through the .bash_history to see what the steps were.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Stuff behind the Showing of the Movies...

I am still curious about what it takes to show a film in the kino. Here are some pictures of the projector and projectionist I took in Bosnia. The projectors themselves are pretty interesting machines. I remember when I was in school and every now and then the teachers would show a movie and the projector sat on a cart and we and to shuffle the chairs and put up the screen, and darken the classroom. The film would start but you would also hear the whir-whir-clikity-clickity-clickty-clicky and see the open reels turning with the film.

 The Bosnian Projectionist.

Another view of one of the Projectors.

These are pretty hefty machines and the bright and very hot Xenon lamps require cooling.  There is also a way to sync the two projectors when one reel is ending and the other starts, a few second of overlap, and sometime you see the black dot. Remember "Fight Club?"

Another view of  one of the machines.

Closer Up of the Front End

There are actually two machines and the Projectionist has to start the film,
swap reels, and alternate the showing projector. and rewind for the next use.
I think most older  movies are about 90 minutes long and are on four or five reels.

One of my all-time favortie movies is "Cinema Paradiso."  A projectionist is one of the centers of the film.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Objective Number One - Build a Working ProtoType

Our first objective is to build a working prototype. A working system that has all the basic functions and logic.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is going to be a LAMP project

Looks like the logical components will be Linux,Apache,MySQL, and PHP

I think I found a name, CinemaFans !!!

I think I just found a name that describes the project perfectly. Cinema-Fans !!! People Who really,really like to go to the Movies !!! On the big Screens, With your Friends !!!

The whole Action of going to and seeing a real film.

Set up this blog to help with the project

I setup this blog to help with the project. I finally found a reason to Blog.